My interests


I love to crochet in my free time!I picked it up during the height of COVID-19 and it has been a great stress reliever. Another reason I think crocheting is a cool skill is because it is mathematically not able to be done by a machine, so it feels very off grid to do the practice. I enjoy making vests, scarves, hats, and sweaters. I have recently gotten into the Japanese art form of amigurumi which is mini animals that are crocheted. My favorite thing I have ever made was a crochet lion, and my mom wants to put it in her work office. I think knowing how to crochet will be beneficial for my library career, as I want to work with younger audiences.

Playing with my Dog

I have a golden lab named Maisy Pearl (yes she has a middle name). She is 6 years old and is the sweetest dog. Her favorite thing to do is take naps and steal food. She also likes to run around my backyard and destroy our bushes and take sticks off them. When we play together she likes to play fetch and tug of war. For halloween this year she will be a lion, we already got her costume.

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